Winter Camping

Camping is usually thought of as a summer thing to do, but why not make it a winter excursion. There is nothing better than bundling up in a bulky sweater, boots and a big woolly blanket and sitting by the camp fire. Winter will have you looking at nature in a whole different way. Sure, there may be snow covering most things but look at the beauty of all the snow and how white it is. Breathe in the fresh air and enjoy the smoke that comes from exhaling, and best of all enjoy the quite of the day and night without all the slap, ouch and darn mosquitoes!

Outfit: KUID - Alia Sweater @ The Wash
            baci - warm neck unisex irish @ The Wash
            *ML* Fashion - Pants @ The Wash

Hair: Truth - Astra

Scene Stuff

Hedges: Storax Tree - Versailes Hedge AB1 @ The Wash

Campfire: Khargo:Seasonal - Khargo Christmas Campfire


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